Die Rauhnächte: Ursprung und Rituale einer mystischen Zeit

The 12 nights: Origins and Rituals of a Mystical Time

The "Twelve Nights," are a special period filled with mysticism and reflection. They begin on the night of December 25th and end on the night of January 5th. Each of these nights represents a month of the coming year, offering an opportunity to pause, release the old, and set new intentions.

The Origins of the twelve nights

The roots run deep in history, blending pre-christian natural spirituality with later christian traditions. They emerged from the difference between the lunar year (354 days) and the solar year (365 days). These twelve nights were considered a "time outside of time," during which the usual rules of everyday life were suspended.

Myths and Traditions

In Germanic mythology, these days were seen as the time of the "Wild Hunt," led by Odin (Wotan) or Mrs Holle. It was believed that the souls of the departed and other spirits roamed during these nights. With Christianization, these traditions were adapted and aligned with the holidays surrounding Christmas and Epiphany.

Rituals of the twelve nights

These nights invite us to consciously close the old year and prepare for the new one. Here are some of the most well-known rituals:

1. Cleansing with Smoke – Purity and Clarity

Cleansing with smoke is a traditional ritual that energetically purifies and creates a protected space for new intentions. Herbs like sage, mugwort, or Palo Santo can help clear the energy in your home.

Tip: Combine cleansing with a moment of stillness and a clear intention to realign your energy. Mantras can help you focus on your goals.

2. Oracle and Dreams – Guidance for the New Year

Each of the twelve nights symbolizes a month of the coming year. Dreams during these nights are believed to hold messages. Drawing oracle cards or writing down intentions are also popular rituals.

3. The 13-Wishes Ritual

Write 13 wishes on pieces of paper and burn one each evening without reading it. The last remaining wish at the end of the tewlve days is the one you are meant to actively fulfill in the new year.

4. Reflection and Journaling

Use these days to reflect on the past year: What went well? What do you want to let go of? Journaling can help you gain clarity and set your direction for the new year.

5. No Work or Laundry

An old tradition advises against washing clothes during these days, as it is said to bring bad luck. This belief reminds us to let work rest and focus on rituals and introspection instead.

The Spiritual Meaning of the Rauhnächte

This is a time of transformation and realignment. It invites us to pause and feel the connection between the past, present and future. Rituals like cleansing with smoke, dream interpretation and journaling help clear our energy and set intentions for the new year.


This is a valuable time to release the old and make space for the new. Whether you practice traditional or modern rituals, these twelve days offer a unique opportunity to find inner balance and step into the new year with clarity and focus.

Your Rauhnächte, your journey. What will you let go of?

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